Thursday, July 30, 2009

Can someone please explain a few things to me about dotNET ?

I go to college and I get to download all this microsoft stuff for free, and I just downloaded visual dotNET 2003. Can someone explain to me how to install it? Should i install it on vista or XP? Is there a big difference between dot NET 2003 and 2005? I can get 2005 for like 30 bucks but i dont wanna spend the money if there isn't a big difference. Also they have all of these other packages listed below that i can DL for free...what exactly are they and do i need them? I know C++ and i just wanna mess around with dotNET over break. How do i go about installing the prerequisite CD and the main disc. When ever i put in the prerequisite CD all this stuff pops up and it wants me to do all these like updates?? Also whats the best way to go about learning this this I already know C++, any good books/sites? Thanks!

Visual Studio .NET Academic Student Tools 2003

Visual Studio .NET Academic Teaching Tools 2003

.NET FrameWork 1.1 SDK

MSDN Library (Visual Studio .NET) Full (Jan 2004

Can someone please explain a few things to me about dotNET ?
Personally, there are drastic differences between the two. 2005 kicks 2003's *** ten-fold. It has a lot more functionality, better GUI among many things. Trust me and spend the extra money. It will broaden your knowledge, make you learn quicker, etc.

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