Thursday, July 30, 2009

Programming Frustration?

Right, this is the deal - over the past few weeks I've been frustrated a lot on what programming language I should begin with. First I tried Java and downloaded a few ebooks on it. I studied it and as soon as I reached the parts I didn't really understand, I stopped reading it. Then, I tried Python, downloaded 2 different ebooks on Python and stopped reading them... I tried Visual Basic after that which I found to be easy, but the kind of language I'm looking for is something you can execute on different operating systems other than just using the .NET Framework. So, I stopped reading VB ebooks after a couple of days because I don't really like the fact that you can only execute your programs on Windows. I tried C++/Visual C++ but after a couple of hours I stopped with that. I tried C, but stopped with that. Then I tried C#/Visual C# but stopped with that, too. I just can't get over what language to use. Everytime I read an ebook on something I get bored then change to something else.

Programming Frustration?
Programming is not about reading books or memorising dull syntax. It's really about solving problems. It sounds like the way you've been doing it is reading the books like they're novels. You can only really learn programming or a programming language by doing it and using it.

Hopefully the books you downloaded actually have some exercises for you to try. In which case try some of them, you'll learn more than you have just by reading. You'll also find that the parts of the books you don't understand become easier. If they don't have exercises, then take some of their sample programs and improve them or add to them. (If it doesn't have either, you're probably not going to learn much from that book or its a reference book for people who can already program in that language)

I don't know that I can really help you with which language to learn first. I haven't used Python, but I have heard good things about it and you can use it to write useful programs. C++ is good, as is Java (but both for different reasons). Ultimately choose the one that you're most comfortable with (or least bored with).

My first language was a form of BASIC (no, not at all portable), but I quickly graduated to C++, Pascal, Ada, Java, VB, VBA, PHP, Perl, and a few others that I've fogotten. Ultimately the language is only a tool for expressing the idea.
Reply:Maybe programming isn't for you?
Reply:If you're interested in C# as you said in your additional information, then you could learn and master C# which will make it easier for you to learn Java because C#'s syntax was created directly from Java.

You see, when it comes to be a programmer, you can't just learn a new language overnight. It takes lots of patience and the commitment to choose the language that you think is right for you.

Personally, I started with VB because prior to that I knew absolutely nothing about variables and arithmetic operations. I started with VB which was very easy, then after mastering that which took me about 4 months, I started with Visual C#. Because C#'s syntax is very similar to Java, I started Java once I had mastered C#. Since then, I couldn't believe how much I'd gone through. But, if you want to start programming, then I suggest you start with C# or Java. Java is a little advanced if you're not very good with arithmetics, and C# is a little easier than Java but has the same concept. Once you've mastered C#, move on to Java and you'll already understand about 75% of Java without even starting.
Reply:if you want to learn programming language just for your interest then i will suggest 'C' is the best one to begin because most of the languages used 'C' syntax and it will be very easy to learn other language after that , start from the basic.

but if you want to develop any application then programming language depend which type of application u want to develop then choose accordingly to your problem.
Reply:I think u r kidding..

if u r seriously indulge in this I will appericiate you.

from my point firstly u have to learn C %26amp;C++ %26amp;thenJava

simply d reason behind this is that if u r in IT sector ,covering area of C,C++,java is comparitively larger as compared to other programming languages.

Thr r many problems in other languages like d same program do not run in the different system or OS
Reply:Sounds like you have commitment issues. Just pick one and stick with it. If it were me, I'd stick with Python.
Reply:try PHP, not that its a great choice overall, but its pretty simple and has a c syntax your already familiar with and will run on multiple platforms. There are also plenty of samples out there to help you get started.

Good Luck!


Reply:Welcome to the life of a programmer. You probably don't have time to be the best in all of them so you have to make a choice. You're not going to be a good programmer until you master one of them. After a couple of hours, take a break, but then try again. It will take a few weeks. You may not have the patience to be a programmer - so get ready to accept that. It's long and tedious to learn and to actually program and you're always learning as you go.
Reply:If you are interested in platform independence, then you need to avoid C# also - that's still .NET! C/C++ is very low-level, and although the code is (mostly) platform-independent, the compiling and building process can be different for every platform.

If you want something that you can immediately sit down and start writing distributable programs, I'd stick with Java or with a scripting language like Python or Perl.

If you want to learn good programming techniques, try Common Lisp (there's a good ebook at

In any case, pick something and stick with it - you're not going to get anywhere if you give up. There's no free ride.
Reply:I would start with Java or C# and using a good ide will help. For java, use Eclipse. For C#, you can pay for Microsoft VisualStudio or try #develop for free. Either way, you are going to need to learn the basics - variables, conditional constructs, loops, classes, methods. Then you will need to become familiar with the api (application programming interface) which provides all kinds of prebuilt ways to perform the most common tasks.

Good luck.

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