Friday, July 31, 2009

Hi .is some can help me which one i shuald study?

hello if here have someone is do website desige ,i want to study asp/ or php ,but i have not any experience about the asp or php ,i have study some visual c++when i';m is school ,if who can tell me which one is more and which one can get a good job ,thanks

Hi .is some can help me which one i shuald study?
Ignore the idiots above, English is clearly not necessary in a web design environment when foreign countries have the biggest developing web markets in the world.

My advice is to go for PHP, simply because it's a more widely used language - most web developer positions will REQUIRE that you know PHP and MySQL.

On the other hand, there are fewer ASP professionals out there, so those jobs could have less competition.

They're very similar though in many respects, so once you've learnt one you could probably learn the other one fairly easily.
Reply:Before you go to website design, you should study English--because you will never get a job if you don't improve your writing skills.
Reply:You should study English. You would need to know how to spell in order to get anywhere. Sorry.
Reply:your english is kinda good but it's a little cracked. it shouldn't be that hard to learn.

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