Thursday, July 30, 2009

Trying to further my education, helpful advice would be appreciated.?

Okay I am currently half way done with doing my Associates degree in SAP (software and applications) at ITTECH, everything is going smoothly. I am learning Visual basic, C++, ACCESS, SQL (SQL server 2000), JAVA, the general classes like math classes (Algebra 2, trig and physics) english one and two.. and so on. As well as learning more advanced topics dealing with programming like software engineering theory and data stuctures, etc. Thats all the sort I am learning at ITTECH for my associates degree basically in software engineering.

Now what I want to do is also wanted to like enroll in this jr college as well and get a Certificate "Software enigneering in Visual basic.NET." I would basically be learning the classes I already did in my associates degree so far like visual basic and SQL, but I would also be introduced into the .NET frame work which I will be learning in my BA of software engineering at ITTECH in a year... SO my question is should I even bother with it?

Trying to further my education, helpful advice would be appreciated.?
I would say that since either way you're going to learn the information, it would come down to a matter of cost. Would it cost you more to take the course at ITTech or at the jr. college. I'd pick the cheaper of the two, since either way you'll learn the .Net frame work.
Reply:I would be surprised if ITTech doesn't offer a class in the .NET framework. You could just get a couple of books and learn it on your own, or online, and then test for a certificate from Microsoft.
Reply:YES! You should be able to "test out of" the classes you've already taken. That is to say, you can earn credit for them without actually taking them again.

Speak to an admissions counselor at the Jr. College. Good luck.

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