Friday, July 31, 2009 :Uploading app to website?

I need some help on publishing app to website. Ive taken the following efforts but end up with error.

From the solution explorer, i choose publish option. Then the publish wizard appears and asks me to specify the location to publish my app. I type in the location of my webpage which i doubt whether the add is exactly what it requires.

Next, i was given 2 options to choose from on whether the app would be available offline. I choose the option only available online.

At last, a short message appears:

Ready to publish to ...the web add i specified earlier. No shortcut will be added to the start menu. The app will be run directly from the install location.

Finally when i clicked the done option: an error occured where it says:

Error 1 Unable to open module file 'C:\Documents and Settings\ping ping\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\newlist\newlist\newlist_Te... System Error %26amp;H80041feb%26amp; C:\Documents and Settings\ping :Uploading app to website?
2 suggestions..

In the properties window for the module file, check the 'build action' setting. I think it should be 'compile' but might be 'content'. Play with those settings.

If that fails, save the file elsewhere and delete it from the project temporarily. Try to upload the project without it. This might tell you if there's a problem with that specific file or a general upload problem. It may be some permission or settings issue with Geocities.

Hope that helps, good luck

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