Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why do people think of Visual Basic as a uber-easy language?

Personally, I've done C, C++, VB, C#, Ruby. Professionally, when it comes to .NET, I love working in VB instead of C# because I love the aesthetics of VB more. With those statements out of the way, I hope that helps to understand a bit more where I'm going to be coming from and hope to eliminate some snooty answers. I see a lot of answers here every day stating how "Visual Basic is a language for noobs" when this hasn't been the case for a few years (even going back to VB6) due it's syntax, the fact that it's a fully object oriented language, the fact it runs on the CLR (and soon DLR), and have more constructs in common with Java and C#. Do people who generally make these "noob; popular among Windows developers" comments have ever used or looked at Visual Basic in their life? Maybe if Microsoft changes the name of the language, some of the ignorance regarding VB will go away. This really isn't your father's GW-BASIC (or QBASIC even).

Probably just MS disdainment...

Why do people think of Visual Basic as a uber-easy language?
There were many commercial programs written in S-Basic or compiled BASIC long before IBM thought of making a personal computer.

People who think a language is good or bad based on how simple it is don't know anything about programming. (Php is simple - but it's one of the best html-construction languages out there.) I would take "it's only for ..." comments with more than one grain of salt. (I supported a huge commercial database front end for years that was written in VB6, and I still write db front ends in VB6.)
Reply:Heyy,actually people are made to learn that until we dig our hands in those POINTER %26amp; direct access to physical memory, no programming language have features and powers in it.I'm fond of VB and its .NET managed classes.I don't care about people who can live in fantasies to program thousands in c %26amp; c#.Microsoft's own favorite language is VB itself.But as we know Microsoft have some sort image for being a COPY CAT in market,its impact is also on the VB.People think VB is also as simple as Microsoft tried to make their OS's.Anyways...VB is best till Windows exists.

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