Friday, July 31, 2009

Making grammar checker with Csharp?

hi ... i have a project ... i have to make a grammar checker with C# ... i can also use Dll from other languages like VB..

i dont know how to use them ... i searched every where for C# grammar checker source code but i didnt find anything ...

i found a source code with vb6 language ... i dont know how to use it as dll ... cause i only have visual stuadio .net ... not vb6

can any one help me to make a C# grammer checker ??

i can use any dll as long as , it runs in C# platform.....

Making grammar checker with Csharp?
Here is an example for a C# spell checker, it might get you started in the right direction.
Reply:Another thing you can do is put Microsoft Office 2003 on the Web Server and use the Interop DLL's provided by microsoft to run the spelling and grammar checker. It's alot more reliable than some 3rd party controls

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