Friday, July 31, 2009

I would like to install the Visual Studio 2005 in a different hd partition from windows how can I do that?

I´ve tried to choose the destination folder but he still requires 1.4 Gb in C: and a few MB in D:. Is there anyway that I can stall at least the Gigantic Framework .NET in D:?

I would like to install the Visual Studio 2005 in a different hd partition from windows how can I do that?
You probably can install some of the Framework on D if you download the Framework 2.0 SDK and the redistributable, install them in advance, and specify as much to the D drive as possible.

Much of the Framework MUST be installed to c:\windows\ (unless your system partition is on D.) This is because these are effectively become system files in Windows Vista, where managed code becomes the native API.
Reply:I think because there is the files need to copy to system folder like Windows/system32 and other file that need place on system folder, like .NET and other server side application.

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