Thursday, July 30, 2009

Visual Studio 2005?

I am a new user of VS 2005, and wanted to develop under 2.0 using VB or C#.

I am just thinking, whats the big difference of using vb 2005 and ?

I really like VB 2005, but do I need to study before using VS 2005?

Pls. compare VB.NET and VB 2005, and what are their strong and weak part. Please help.. thanks

Visual Studio 2005?
There's no big difference between VB 2005 and VB.NET.

VB 2005 has a lot of new functions, flexibility that will lead you to robust application development and integration to other Microsoft products like ASP.NET.

Also, before installing VB 2005 read the "FAQ, README and WHATS NEW" this will help you a lot.

And use .NET Framework version 2.x for VB 2005 instead of version 1.0.

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