Friday, July 31, 2009

If I want to give Computer Game Programming a go what should I Use?

I want to try computer game programming but dont know which language to choose I know C++ is used a lot but I use this very little. I use Visual Basic.Net a lot but I dont know if this is the right choice. Ive just downloaded Microsoft C# Express Edition and XNA Studio 1.0 and wonder if these are the right choose?

Any help will be appreciated

If I want to give Computer Game Programming a go what should I Use?
you can do it in any language. For great sample codes, check out
Reply:I used XNA / C# for awhile, but that platform needs to come along with at least a small GUI wrapper, and a real sound engine (not this XACT crap). Now I use MDX 1.0 and C#, and it's pretty good for games. You won't be able to develop a game that needs something like C++ for performance by yourself (no offense, it just takes a lot of work).
Reply:couldn't tell much from your post, but all commercial high quality games are written in c++
Reply:if you ask me id say c++ is the best for highquality stuff. but if you really dont want that maybe you should just try least as a starter flash is pretty simple comparitivly speaking....
Reply:The best language to use for programming is totally dependant on what type of game you are creating and for what platform.

Website mini games, for example Stick RPG(, would be best created in flash.

A console game, like Final Fantasy(PSX/PS2), would be best coded in C++

A mobile game such as, Quadra Pop (Sony W800i), would be best coded in Java.

Each language has its own plus and negative points. All are very difficult to pick up and use without guidance.

A beginner in this field might want to try RPG Maker, this program requires no knowledge of programming but does give the user a feel for games development. If the user enjoyed this they may wish to learn more about programming.
Reply:Programming a video game is not a good place to start for a beginner. Learn C++ first.

C# and Java are semi-compiled languages that use a runtime engine. That will probably make them less practical for a "real" video game. (They're both great languages, though.)

Start with a simpler task, until you get better at programming.
Reply:I don't know what your main goal with game programming is, but you might check out blender and using it's game engine try programming something. There's a small community using it, but it's good software.

google some of the example games made with it.
Reply:Pen and paper first to do all your prototyping, storyboaring, character design etc.

Have a look at the references below for tips on games programming. C++ seems to be the dominant language of game development.

Qooting from Ref 2:

"C/C++ is the leading development language of game creation, Visual Basic by Microsoft has some merit, especially for non- action intensive products, and Delphi, a new language for Windows, by Borland shows promise. For beginners I recommend Visual Basic, perhaps Delphi if they know some programming already. For people already familiar with VB or other flavors of Basic or Pascal, go for C/C++ and some Assembly." - Ben Sawyer (author of 'Ultimate Game Developer's Sourcebook')

Hope this helps!
Reply:well a real game takes a few years to produce with a huge team. thats how EA or Blizzard do it. for you , you should start with flash or

there is a program that helps u make small games . it is called Game Maker. google -it
Reply:if you want to make games i recomand you c/c++, i'm not sure if c# is good. but also you can try java and flash
Reply:Before you undertake learning a language i would recommend learning the basics of procedural and event driven programming. Explore the difference between pocedures and functions and also look into object oriented programming as this will give you a good conceptual understanding of how software works
Reply:C++ is the language used for commercial games. You can create simple games in nearly any language.

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