Friday, July 31, 2009

Internet is slow, sites do not load. desktop disappear. Need Help!!!!!?

This was what happen few days ago and when my com started to have probs. I think it's because of this: I've just unistall limewire days ago before these probs started. My Norton was expired early this year...

This was wat happened to my com:

-there's a pop-up ''Microsoft Visual C ++ Runtime Library'' it states that my buffer overrun and when i click the close button, my com hang and resume after 10-30 secs but sometimes it doesn't, the Desktop just disappear and i couldn't see anything on the screen except my wallpaper....( i still can surf the net using ''task manager'' to open sites.

And my internet is really slow... i'm sure it's not due to my internet service provider fault... it happened after i uninstall limewire...

Any techies around, your help is much needed.

Internet is slow, sites do not load. desktop disappear. Need Help!!!!!?
By what you have mentioned, its hard to put a finger on what cud be causing this. But if you follow a few basic steps, atleast you can figure out whats going wrong. Somehow I feel theres a lot of clutter in yur com.

First of all, click on start %26gt;%26gt; control panel %26gt;%26gt; add/remove programs. Remove everything that you find useless. If your not sure about something, skip it.

Lemme know whats listed %26amp; I can tell you if its required by the com or not. Also which windows do you have? Lemme know how it goes...%26amp; I can guide yu thru the next step. good can crack it, all you need is a lil bit of patience though ;)
Reply:run malwarebytes, spybot and avg
Reply:try scan for virus

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