Friday, July 31, 2009

Flowlayout Question)~VS.Net 2003?

When I switch to flowlayout in Visual Studio '03, the controls all seem to jumble together and I can't separate them. I was wondering if there is a) something I am doing wrong, b) something else I need to do to make flowlayout work, or c) does flowlayout in '03 just not work right?

I need to know because I am doing a self study training and the book I am using keeps asking me to switch to flowlayout and then it asks me to position my controls. Unfortunately, after I switch to flowlayout, I cannot seem to move my controls around at all and they all stick to each other. Please help.

Flowlayout Question)~VS.Net 2003?
a) Nope, that's the appropriate option

b) You need to structure your controls with line breaks, divs, or tables

c) Flowlayout = normal HTML layout

As for not being able to see them in Design view, I don't know why that would be. Maybe you are missing the "runat" attribute? In HTML view, try putting "%26lt;br/%26gt;" tags after each control.

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