Thursday, July 30, 2009

VB.NET ==> getting the path to current directory?

my main folder is on desktop and im trying to get the path to a text file in my main directory. I use this code"


and it returns :

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE

and that's not the path to my current directory

the current direcotory that my aspx file is located in is:

C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Desktop\asd\

any help?

VB.NET ==%26gt; getting the path to current directory?
If you want to use the folder in which the program resides, use the following code:

Public SetupFile As String = Application.ExecutablePath

This way, no matter WHERE the program is residing, the path will be to that folder.

If you want it to go specifically to "C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Desktop\asd\", just set "SeupFIle" to "C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Desktop\asd\"

Public SetupFile As String = "C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Desktop\asd\"

I hope I interpreted your question correctly. Good luck.
Reply:This first post is correct. Application.ExecutablePath will get you the current path of the running application.

'sorry I have to break this down into lines so it would fit in Yahoo! Answers.

Dim UserProfile as string = System.Enviroment. _

GetEnviromentVariable _


'this will get you the user profile of the current user

'in your case the UserProfile string would equal

"C:\Documents and Settings\[UserName]"

Then just add you folder

ApplicationFolder = UserProfile %26amp; "\Desktop\asd"

The nice part about doing it this way. Is that if you run this on vista the enviroment variable will return


instead of hard coding a value into your program.

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