Friday, July 31, 2009

VB language?

Has visual basic got its own language like flash has actionscript if so is VBs lanuage .NET.

and what is the difference between (i think this is for web sites using dynamic data) and .NET.

and C# and C+

VB language?
vb is a programming language like c,c++

c#, are a lot similar and can be used for windows applications or used in in webapplications
Reply:.Net is a framework, .Net applications compile to CIL (Common Intermediate Language, it looks very much like assembler but it is generic), when an application is run, each method is compiled on the fly and cached before it is run, producing different code binaries for different operating systems, platforms and CPUs in an attempt to maximize performance of the code. Since the intermediate language is generic, over 30 languages can target the same platform, VB.Net, C#, IronPython, and C++ / CLI to name a few. So in .Net, CIL is the real language, and a variety of other high level languages compile down to that.

ASP.Net is a .Net server side language technology, it plugs into a web server such as ISS and can serve pages and run code. It's very similar to PHP, all of the same capabilities exist except you write the server side code in a .Net language.

Comparing C# and C++ is like comparing C++ and Java. C# is Microsoft's answer to Java, in fact those two languages are very similar.

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