Thursday, July 30, 2009

Is this avalible or can it be done?

As many times I have a lot of programs open the task bar gets very full (not the icon part the main part) and so is there a program that if you right click a program it hides it and adds it to an icon in which you right click and by clicking on the program it displays the task bar icon/text again?

Or would it be easy to do in C/C++? Or even Visual Basic.Net if possible?

If so how?

Is this avalible or can it be done?
Simpler solution,

Hover mouse over top of taskbar so if becomes double headed up/down arrow, and drag up 1 notch, make a double height taks bar .

Never heard of anything that will "hide" taskbar holders.
Reply:i guess
Reply:intrepid calm's answer is very good it's what i do on my pc
Reply:There's probably other ways of fixing this, but here's one way:

I'm assuming you're using Win XP.

There are 2 stages to follow.

Stage 1:

Right click on an empty part of the taskbar.

Make sure the option "Lock the Taskbar" is NOT selected.

If you look at the very top of the taskbar you will see a horizontal bar a few pixels wide running across the whole length.

Hold down the left mouse button on this and drag the taskbar up so that its much fatter.

Stage 2:

Again, right click on an empty part of the taskbar.

Select "Properties".

Now make sure there is a tick next to all these options:

"Lock the taskbar"

"Auto-hide the taskbar"

"Group similar taskbar buttons"

This last option will group windows of the same program together. So, for example, if you've got many Internet Explorer windows open these will all come up as one taskbar button, which when clicked will display a list of windows for you to choose from.

Also, if you've never used the auto-hide taskbar function before, don't be alarmed to find the taskbar has vanished. Just move your mouse pointer to the very bottom of the screen and it will pop up.

Hope this helps.

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