Friday, July 31, 2009

What languages would I need?

Im hoping to be a computer games programmer when Im older and I wondered what languages would I need im learning Visual Basic.Net which isnt used as I know that and Im learning C++ which I know plays a big part in game devlopment so is there any others I need to learn or any good websites to help me get started say making a very basic game using C++?

What languages would I need?
If you master C++ grasshopper, you'll be doing just fine. You may also want to check out

(I just realized that you'd have to be at least 30yrs of age to get the "grasshopper" reference. Yikes I'm old)
Reply:There's lots of websites , there's the torque game engine website, Microsoft has a nice DirectX portal, and

C++ is great if you want to understand video games, but is fine too, especially w/ managed DirectX. I personally prefer C# and MDX 1.0 because I can develop applications faster. I have yet to write something that required C++ in terms of performance. If you want to be a computer game programmer though, you will need to know C++ very well, as well as a ton of 3D math.
Reply:Although you can find games written in almost all programming languages but in my opinion most serious game programming is done in C++. A good place to start game programming would be a book on the subject with C++ as the language, DirectX as the library and Windows as the platform. A good book to start would be "Tricks of the Windows Game programming Gurus" by Andre LaMothe. I have it's offline version and I'll be more than happy to send it to you by email and of course for free.
Reply:C++ is probably the best
Reply:u would probably need somefin like french or other languages like that

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