Friday, July 31, 2009

Where can I get wgl, gl, glu, and glx header, lib, and .dll files for OpenGL?

I can't find the wgl, gl, glu, and glx .h, .lib, or .dll's anywhere on the net. I'm using Windows 32-bit Vista, trying to program in OpenGL for the first time. The tutorial says i need those files to program c-style OpenGL with Visual C++ 2008 Express. Any help finding those files, or could someone point out what I might need instead to program OpenGL using the code in that tutorial? Answer below, BEST answer gets 10 points, not the fastest.

Thanks for your help,


Where can I get wgl, gl, glu, and glx header, lib, and .dll files for OpenGL?
You don't need all of that to program OpenGL. Everything should come with the compiler. If you want to program with GLUT as your GUI, here's a video to show you how set everything up:
Reply:dude WTH you cant even understand

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