Monday, July 27, 2009

How do I learn to write C++ applications?

I use Visual Studio 2005 for programming. When I was little, I used to do programming all the time with Turbo C 3.0, so I'm familiar with all the C grammars and stuffs. But, somehow I don't know how to get on the application programming. I can write console programs only run don command prompt, using C++. But when it comes to windows application programs(like MFC programmings and stuffs,) I don't know how to design window resources and everything. There are not much books on Application programming on Visual C++ 2005. Does the version matter in C++(Can I use older version books for C++ 2005?) It's hard to find the way to start these. Do you have any suggestion?

Quesiton Summary:

1) What is the most famous website/forum for C++ developers group?

2) How do I get started on Windows APP Programming?

3) Is the older version of C++ compatible with Visual C++ 2005(Can I get books for VC++ 6.0 or .NET and would it still work on 2005?)

Thx, and I always give 5 stars to the best answer.

How do I learn to write C++ applications?
You can download for free the Visual Studio Express and there are tutorials you can follow for each of the languages in it to learn.

You can write a program and then look at the final code source to see how it was developed in order to use in your other C++ work.

Download selection here:

Take a look here for learning materials:

If you need graphics programs or some other free programs you can find some more links on my webpage at
Reply:learn by doing
Reply:I took it up when I was going to school. The first 2 weeks are the basics. I was hanging in there, then that mess got advanced. I was completely lost. LOL I ended up dropping out of the class. LOL Good Luck with Computer Programming, man.
Reply:Buy book of last part or take teacher you're know his expert on C++ last Part.
Reply:Fred Wow!Your Extra News here!


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