Monday, July 27, 2009

How do you design and develop a project to assign a letter grade in Visual Basic.NET?

A%26gt;=90, B = [80..89], C = [70..79], D = [60..69], and F = [0..59] to a students assignment based on test score and other criteria? Extra Credit project # 1: Using radiobutton groupbox1:None (0 points), Average 3 point bonus), Above Average (5 point bonus). Using radiobutton in groupbox2 select whether default being On Time, the other choices are 1-2 Days Late (5 point penalty) and more than 2 Days Late (Automatic score of 0). Display the final total grade in a read-only TextBox control. Use global variables to keep track of which RadioButton control is checked before determing the final grade

How do you design and develop a project to assign a letter grade in Visual Basic.NET?
'first of all you'll have to declare your variables

'this is only mini code for you, i'll not do yer homework :P

Dim credit As Integer

Dim Days As Integer

'i'm not sure if you can case them aswell, i'm not building the app for ye, you can do it yourself

Private Sub RadioButton1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RadioButton1.Click

If RadioButton1.Checked = True Then

credit = 0

End If

End Sub

Public Sub GradeSelector()

Dim TotalGrade As Integer = credit + Days

Dim FinalScore As Integer

'i'm going to take it groupbox 1 has 3 radio buttons

FinalScore = TotalGrade

'sorting out the final grade

Select Case FinalScore

Case TotalGrade = 0

textbox.text = "f"

Case TotalGrade = 3

textbox.text = "e"

End Select

i've left out a lot of the code, but ye can probably see where its goin, enjoy coding

Reply:How to design project?


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