Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I am going to school to study to be a software engineer, need some advice.?

It seems through out my school life I will be learning a LOT of different langauges... Visual basic, C++, java, SQL, HTML, XML, ASP, .NET, C#, Linux and more... Its all a bit overwhelming... As well as the fact that I enjoy doing Php, Python, Macromedia Flash and using Apache on my free time, what should I do? I mean the things I would personally like to focus on are Java, C++ because I really enjoy doing it.. Same with Macromedia Flash and Php or Python.. I love working in those things as well. But I love programming in general, I will really be willing to work in anything! Idunno, what should I do? Oh if it helps my interests are Databases, creating games and network type programming.

Should I like idunno.. Just kind of soak in everything and use it all for freelance work, or just focus on the areas I enjoy the most?

I am going to school to study to be a software engineer, need some advice.?
I got a BS in CompSci in 1983 and an MS in 85. I was taught PL/C, Fortran, APL and SNOBOL. I didn't touch a terminal for 2 years. I used computer cards.

Back then, C++ didn't exist. Neither did Java, XML, C# or any of the other stuff you mentioned.

But what I did gain from school was the ability to keep learning and improve my skills. I've been in software development since I graduated. I've learned C++, Java, UML and Design Patterns through work training or just on my own. I'm constantly learning new stuff. This week I programmed the Visitor Design Pattern for the first time and wished I had known the technique years ago.

I've adapted, and you will need to as well. By the time you graduate half of what you mentioned above will be gone or radically changed.

Your school will take a lot of our decision making away through required courses. Fill in our free electives with the courses that excite you. Don't forget to take fun non-computer courses as well.

Good luck.
Reply:you'll find your teachers dont care about programming languages as much as basic theory and algorithmns

any programmer knows 5-10 languages, its no big deal, it is a big deal that you know how a weighted sort differs from a bubble sort, and how to deal with floating point arithmetic, ect ect

keep books around for the syntax . ..
Reply:just make sure that you are the best version of you, while you in touch with what you like and good at.

and still having a look on what's new on information technology.
Reply:Focus on what hot in the market and what you are good at.

Dont try to be a jack of all.

Do something which you are most comfortable with and that will give your great returns.
Reply:I'd say - focus on the areas you enjoy most ! Developing the logic is more important than the actual coding itself. Once you are confident with that, writing code in any language will be a piece of cake as it is just the syntax that is different. I would say - Being perfect in C and C++/Java is like a good foundation. Learning the other things in your free time is certainly helpful.
Reply:do the freelance till you know were u want to be.working should not feel like work.what ever u do have fun and it wont feel like work. u would be doing something u enjoy and getting paid for it.

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