Monday, July 27, 2009

What's the best programming language for 'game programming and design'??

Visual C? C#? ...?

What's the best programming language for 'game programming and design'??
Oooookay, lets take a breath here.

Define "Best."

Hard to do? Yeah.

Where I work I happen to be using C++.

C# is an option, too, and we could spend all day debating the pros and cons of C++ vs. C#, and probably get nowhere. In fact, when I interviewed for my game current game programming job, they actually asked me to do just that (debate the pros / cons of each). The REASON they asked me to do this is because it is an open ended question, and really cannot be definately answered.

But, that's not to say they're the only two options.

Mobile game programming, for example, is done using Java/BREW, and that's a whole different world.

As some of the other users pointed out, there are a lot of frameworks and APIs out there for programming video games, and naturally a lot of them play nicely with both C++ and C# (check out my sources).

Really, the 'best' is defined by what you want to do.

Its a huge misconception that there is a singular best.

Let me just say how its done in the REAL WORLD then:

We design the game, and THEN we choose the language, frameworks, etc. Literally, before a single line of code is written, the big boys have hundreds of pages of design done.


Because each language has pros and cons you have to make your decision appropriately. Putting the cart before the horse, as it were, just lands you in lots of trouble.

A language is only the tool that creates the game.
Reply:C# is great. Also, take a look at garage games software.


You'll get source and can either script the games or code them
Reply:Obviously this depends on the target platform, the depth and breadth, and purpose of the game. I believe most professionally made games are written in C++. However, writing a game in C# or Java could be fun too. If the purpose of your game is to illustrate game design practices or in an educational context, then a 'rapid development' language like Java or C# might be a better choice. Don't bother with C, unless you have no choice.

I had fun writing a 2D space invaders type game using Visual C++ and the Windows GDI API. I've thought abouting porting it to C#.
Reply:C++!! is the best for games!! because it is the fastest Programming Language aside from Assembly(more likely machine codes)..

And TODAY,,most commercial games are made by C++..

for tutorials,,use YAHOO's,GOOGLE's or MSDEWEY's search engine..

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