Monday, July 27, 2009

C++ query ...?

Hey i saw buzz's c++ tutorials ...

In those tuts in the first program they've written a program like this [ theyre using Visual ]


using std::cout;




And in the tutorials when they run the program without the

" using std::cout; "

command, they arent able to run it

whereas i dont need to type in that command to run the program in Turbo C++ or Visual studio..

So can any one tell me that what is the command for ? And is it only used in visual or what ???

C++ query ...?
using std::cout imports the cout function from the std namespace into your local name space. std is the namespace that much of the Standard Template Library is stored in. Google "C++ STL namespace" and you'll see what I mean. You could change

using std::cout;


using namespace std;

and it would import the whole standard library into your local namespace. Importing the namespace (or function as your tut shows) allows you to make a call to the function directly. If you did not import the function or namespace, you would have to change the code from the tutorial to look like this:





See how we're prefacing the cout call with the namespace in which it resides?

The "using" command is standard across all newer C++ compilers. As you program you might use a third party library that has a different namespace. In that case you'd use something like:

using thirdpartylibrarynamespace::thirdpartyfu...




and I'm sorry but the other answer is wrong. It is indeed

cout %26lt;%26lt; "Hello";
Reply:I'm not a c++ expert, but I think it means you can only use the cout%26gt;%26gt; thing inside the using std::cout braces...

Plus its cout%26gt;%26gt; not cout%26lt;%26lt;


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