Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Want to learn another programming language?

But which? I'm currently very good in PHP and HTML. Slightly good in Javascript and novice in Visual Basic 6. I am more interested in APP making, but I find VB6 too limiting, so what should I learn? I was thinking on probably Visual Basic .Net or C++. But which?

I want one that will not limit me to some things, but that wont create bloated Applications that use tons of memory and that would be slightly easy to learn. (At least for someone with PHP knowledge). I'm also very interested in file managing programs.

Want to learn another programming language?
Hi, Since you are interested in application building you can do this either via java or .NET. I would go the route where you are most likely to be employeed. Personally, I learned java and mySQL then C# and MS SQL. I get my bills paid by C# and MS SQL. I do support VB 6, and all I can say that it makes me appreciate .NET. I think that you'd have a better niche in the market with C#, but it depends on where you are going to live.
Reply:Do not use .Net. This was created by microsoft as a competitor to Java. The problem is .Net is windows specific, and fails miserably in regards to the availability and platform independence provided by Java.

If ease of programming is your top priority, Python is a great langauge.

If you want more power and availability, Java would be your next bet.

If you want a language that can be used to program applications from games to weapons systems, go with C++.

C++ has a bit of a learning curve, but it is the most powerful, the most widely implemented, and the most well understood of all the languages. (Python, Java, and .Net were all developed from C++).

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